A credit report or Business Information Report is a collection of information that describes in detail the financial and credit history of a business or an individual. It provides a risk assessment tool when examining business relationships with suppliers, manufacturers, customers, agents, partners, potential tenants, patents and more.
While the basic and investigative approaches will help you and your business assess the risks, the two methods of credit reporting are very different.
In particular, the credit reports of the database are based on historical information that provides a picture of the company or the individual.
Credit Report India takes into account the information contained in databases and financial statements, but depending on the purpose of the report, you will also receive current and complete information about the company/person.
Status of the company
Current status of the company name
Professional Accreditation Search
Current bank rating
Current owners reference
reference from existing suppliers
Registration of individual assets
Consumer Bankruptcies/Proposals
Commercial Bankruptcies / Proposal
Debt Consolidation orders
external management
Search the media
Education Verification
Criminal record history
Legal actions, court decisions, collections
Also, investigative style reports help you draw more complex conclusions and identify problematic patterns that could adversely impact your business. Read more...