If you are going to give your customers payment terms, you have to do a little research, where you come to the conclusion that your customers are definitely in a “hunch” rather than relying on their payment obligations. To be respected. If the customer goes bankrupt, will you allow extended payment terms? If you knew they were a late payer, would you expect to receive a timely invoice?
It certainly makes sense that you can find out about a potential customer with the help of credit reports in India. According to many account professionals, sales increase if you check the credit because you can target the right kind of prospect, and not waste time on non-reliable prospects. You should keep in mind that increasing the payment terms can mean that you are wasting your precious time chasing debt, and it can take the pocket of any small business seriously. Is. So it’s important to identify which companies you need to monitor. With new customers, start them fast start credit limit it. Give them a small credit limit to get you started and see how they achieve. There is a risk that they will not pay you. These small limitations will give you the opportunity to evaluate the customer. You can establish normal terms after building a good relationship with the customer or after checking the credit. Then when you build your customer base you need to identify the customers who are selling you the most. Usually, 20% of your customers give you 80% of their turnover. These are the companies that you need to a) do a credit check and b) preferably on a daily basis, monitor their creditworthiness. Business Information Reporting There are many credit reference agencies that provide credit reports on both businesses and individuals in the business information report. In a very short time, they should provide the following information: full legal company details (you can’t take them to court with the wrong name or address!), Company accounts, court decisions, credit ratings (any other article but more) and credit Recommended limit (usually based on 30-day payment terms). Quick information Find credit reference agencies that provide fast business information with online databases. Elements of Business information report A ‘status check’ to other banks, known as a bank reference, is a bank assessment of whether a customer can make a payment. The bank needs the customer’s permission to act as a reference, and it is usually an independent charge. Banks will use the information based on what they know about the customer or how they have managed their bank account The banks will use standard phrases ( ‘undoubted for your figures’, ‘respectable and good for your figures’, ‘customer not known to us for long’, ‘capital/resources fully employed’, ‘cannot speak for your figures’). If they bring anything other than ‘good for your data’, you need to investigate further. It is in the interest of banks to give good reports to their customers, so do not trust them completely. Final thoughts A little bit in the credit industry, though keep in mind the line “there’s no such thing as a bad business context”. Don’t allow new customers to bring their own references! Would you make a bad reference in an interview? Instead, insist on contacting your existing suppliers. There are a few other ways to reduce the risk, but the main rule of thumb is to keep an eye on those top 80% of customers. Things change on a daily basis, so keep in mind how well they pay their credit reports and also keep an eye on the media.